At Swanmore Primary School, Religious Education is a very particular concern of the Foundation Governors of the school. As well as providing specific teaching about the Christian faith and the life of Christ and his followers, we also study comparative religions, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam the teaching of which is carefully planned into our RE syllabus, based on the Local Education Authority's guidelines. In KS1 we also have a World Religion Week where each year group takes turns to look at the different religions and then share their findings at an assembly with KS2.
We aim at all times to encourage children to be sensitive to other people and to the world around them. In the process, children are helped to seek truths, examine answers, and begin to form ideas of a personal faith.
KS2 children attend a short church service once each week, and all children share assemblies in school daily. Pupils help to lead a joint Sunday morning service with St. Barnabas and Swanmore Methodist Church once a year and we encourage parents to come and support their children both at assemblies and at the weekly KS2 services which are held each Wednesday morning.
Parents are entitled to withdraw their children from religious education and/or collective worship, and may do so by informing the Headteacher. However, children from outside the Parish of Swanmore are most usually accepted on the understanding that parents have chosen a Church of England school so that their children can take part in religious education and worship.