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We aim to:

  • Promote physical development, develop physical competence, teach pupils through experience, to know about and value the benefits of exercise, establish self-esteem through the development of physical confidence, develop artistic and aesthetic understanding within and through movement, help pupils cope with both success and failure in the context of co-operative and competitive physical activities.
  • Provide experience of physical activities which should lead pupils to lifelong participation.

There are five elements in the PE curriculum:- gymnastics, games, dance, athletics and swimming.

All these can be catered for within school apart from swimming which takes place in Year 3, for which we have the use of an indoor heated pool at a nearby Junior School.


Sports Provision

We operate an equal opportunities policy with regard to sport, and children have equal access to the whole range of activities regardless of gender.

Football, netball, tag-rugby and cross-country are played in the winter; and rounders, athletics, tennis and cricket in the summer.

Our school teams regularly play other local schools in matches and rallies; and junior children are selected on Sports Day to represent the school at the annual District Sports Competition.

We can accommodate all of our sporting activities on the school site and although our football pitch is rather uneven, it provides an excellent course for cross-country practice!