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Geography is studied through:

  • investigation of the Earth's surface (physical geography)
  • man's influence upon it (human geography)
  • the changes brought about by that influence (environmental geography)

These are the themes of geographical inquiry. Investigation is carried out through:

  • the development of relevant skills
  • the observation and exploration of places locally and further afield.

First-hand experience is gained wherever possible through practical activities and fieldwork. In Key Stage 1 children explore the themes in the immediate locality (Swanmore) and extend these to a contrasting locality (Portsea). In Key Stage 2 children learn to extend their knowledge so that they use their immediate locality (Swanmore) to contrast with a locality further afield in the British Isles (Swanage). In addition an overseas locality (Thengapalli) is studied through a range of relevant and stimulating secondary sources.