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Meet The School Governors

Mr Ian Wollam

  • Chair of Governors
  • Foundation Governor
  • Term of Office: 12.02.2014 – 11.02.2028
  • Member of: Curriculum and Standards Committee, Finance and Buildings Committee, Health and Safety Committee, Pay Committee and Personnel Committee
  • Subject link Governor for History
  • No Business Interests declare

Mr John Paterson

  • Head Teacher
  • Term of Office: N/A
  • Member of: Admissions Committee, Finance and Buildings Committee, Health and Safety Committee, Pay Committee and Personnel Committee
  • No direct Business Interests declared

Mrs Robena (Bobbie) Branson

  • LA Governor
  • Chair of Personnel Committee
  • SEND Governor
  • Development & Training Governor
  • Term of Office: 16.05.2014 – 15.05.2026
  • Member of: Admissions Committee, Curriculum and Standards Committee, Pay Committee and Personnel Committee
  • Subject link Governor for SEN and Disadvantaged Children
  • No Business Interests declared 

Mrs Tanya Clay

  • Staff Governor
  • Term of Office: 01.09.2016 – 31.08.2024
  • Member of: Curriculum and Standards Committee and Health and Safety Committee
  • Lead on governor school visits
  • No Business Interests declared

Mrs Nina Cawley

  • Foundation Governor
  • Term of Office: 07.02.2023 - 10-03.2026
  • Member of: Curriculum and Standards Committee 
  • No Business Interests declared

Mr Steven Tooke

  • Parent Governor
  • Term of Office: 02.05.2023 - 01.05.2027
  • No Business Interests declared

Mr Andrew Wilkinson

  • Foundation Governor
  • Chair of Finance and Buildings Committee
  • Vice Chair of Governors
  • Term of Office: 18.11.2016 – 17.11.2024
  • Member of: Admissions Committee, Finance and Buildings Committee and Pay Committee
  •  Subject link Governor for EGPS and Languages
  • No Business Interests declared

Mrs Hannah Horner

Foundation Governor

  • Term of Office: 20.1.22 - 19.1.26
  • Member of: Curriculum and Standards Committee
  • No Business Interests declared

Mrs Rebecca (Bex) Lamport

  • Deputy Headteacher
  • Associate Member (no voting rights)
  • Term of Office: N/A
  • Member of: Finance & Building Committee and Curriculum and Standards Committee
  • No Business Interests declared

Mrs Kirsten Cook

  • Business Manager
  • Associate Member (no voting rights)
  • Term of Office: N/A
  • Member of: Finance & Building Committee and Health & Safety Committee.
  • No Business Interests declared

Mrs Jackie Finney

  • Clerk to The Governors
  • Term of Office: N/A
  • Member of: Curriculum & Standards Committee, Finance & Building Committee, Health & Safety Committee, Pay Committee and Personnel Committee
  • No Business Interests declared

Mrs Sam Lee

  • Foundation Governor
  • Chair of Curriculum & Standards
  • Term of Office: 26.11.2022 - 25.11.2026
  • Member of: Curriculum & Standards Committee and Health and Safety Committee
  • Safeguarding Lead
  • No Business Interests declared

Miss Anna Walklate

  • Parent Governor
  • Term of Office: 13.01.2023 - 12.01.2027
  • Member of: Finance & Building Committee
  • No Business Interests declared

Mr Andy Davies

  • Foundation Governor Ex Officio
  • Term of Office: 26.02.2024 - 25.02.2028
  • No Business Interests declared

Mr Joe Maphosa

  • Co-opted Governor
  • Term of Office: 13.07.2023 - 12.07.2027
  • EDI Lead
  • No Business Interests declared

Miss Emily Sandoval

  • Foundation Governor
  • Term of Office: 14.12.2023 - 13.12.2027
  • Curriculum & Standards Committee and Health and Safety Committee
  • No Business Interests declared