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Thought for the week Summer 2024


What qualities make a good friend?

What qualities did Jesus’ friends have?

Is forgiveness important?




This week Year 1 created a recipe for friendship.


What does a Christian
look like from around
the world? What do
you have in common?






So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This week’s class worship was led by our worship councillor. He chose a Bible story for us to share and discuss. We reflected on how the Bible tells us that Jesus will always be there if we need him.



What is peace?
Where in the world
should we send
prayers of peace?
What do prayers of
peace look like from
Christians around the


This week in Woodpeckers, we thought about the importance of being peaceful, and how peace can look different for each of us. We remembered the things that help us to feel peaceful, and then asked a friend when they feel peaceful. Here are some of our responses:





The power of God will help us all to grow. How does Pentecost link to this?






What is your gift to







This weeks Thought of the Week is 'What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God'. In Kingfisher's class we thought about all of the gifts God has given to us. We linked this to our RE day where we learnt about the creation story and all the things God created on each day. We then thought about what gifts we can give back to God. 










This week, Peacocks did some mindful colouring with positive messages. We talked about how encouraging words cheer us up and help us believe in ourselves, and that focussing on a task like colouring helps us let go of worries.





























We discussed the Golden Rule of treating people in the way we would want to be treated.

We thought about how following this rule builds a happy school community, linking our worship to our school value of Respect.









Peacocks class drew Christians around the world then collected leaves from our school grounds to decorate our globe!  Amy, our class worship council member, came up with this idea and we loved it!