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Thought for the Week - Summer 2022

How do you want to make a
difference to this world?
What legacy do you want to leave







What are your strengths and
How can you work as part of a





Year 3 explored the thought for the week of 'We can't change everything but I can change something'.

We reflected on the field on the things we could make small changes to that could culminate in a larger change. 

The children reflected:
Grow own veg

Pick up Litter

Look after insects

Not Swinging on trees



Why do we all wrestle with doubts?






In year 1 we watched the story of Jesus appearing to Thomas and discussed what the word doubt means.  They then used a feely bag to discuss how we can recognise an item when we can't see it.  This led us to discuss how we might recognise Jesus.



How does taking part make you
Why do you think taking part in
something, even if you don’t win,
is important?




Year 2 created this prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for giving us the courage to take part in a
competition. Thank you for knowing that it is not the
winning but the taking part. Please help encourage
other people to take part and help me to console those
people if they do not win. Thank you that if we don’t
win you still help us finish and you still love us just the
same. Sorry for when I over celebrate a win and it
makes those that have not won feel sad. Sorry for
when I did not help people to win and they needed
help. Please help us to keep encouraging every
competitor in a competition or race. Thank you for
keeping our world happy. Sorry that people are
refusing to race and playing in competitions because
they do not have enough courage inside of them.
Sorry for being too selfish when I win a race. I am sorry
for not helping people up who fall in a race. Thank you
for making sure people help other people even if it
means they do not win the race.




What advice have you been given?
When have you shown wisdom?






Year 5 thought carefully about refugees this week in their thought for the week, and about how love could help.



How do you see the Holy Trinity?







This week Year 1 had a visit from Rev. Nick and Jill from St. Barnabas. They helped year 1 to explore the idea of the Trinity, and what the children thought paintings and symbols meant about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.




Who was St. Barnabas?
Why is he part of our village community?
How can we be like St.Barnabas?





Today Year 1 went to our local church St. Barnabas to learn all about who he was, and his story from the Bible.




Where did Jesus’ body go to when he went to heaven?

Who does Jesus sit next to in Heaven?






As part of class collective worship this week, Year 5 explored different artwork that has been produced to represent 'The Ascension' which is remembered on Thursday 22nd May this year.  We discussed how the artwork represented The Ascension and then drew our own interpretations.  



How would you like others to treat you?

How can we show respect?

Who should we show to respect to?

What golden thread does this cover?



For collective worship, the children wrote down the things that make them happy because of the way their peers have treated them.

We have ‘when my friends hold the gate open, it makes me want to do it for others’.

‘When I am talking to my best friend I feel happy being at school, especially when I haven’t seen him for a few days’.

‘When I am laughing with my friends it makes me feel happy and warm inside’.

We have stuck their role on the walls in the classroom to remind them ‘To treat others how you would want to be treated’.



Can you think of an example when you have worked hard at something?
How did you feel about it?





Year 4 have been exploring examples on when they have worked hard on something and how they made them feel for the thought for the week this week 'a job worth doing is worth doing well'.  



How does grace helps us to build friendships and restore relationships that have gone wrong?






In Year 1 they explored carefully the Bible story of the conversion of Saul, and thought about how grace was shown in the story.  This led to a discussion about how the children could show grace to one another at school.

What is grace?
What can it look like?
Why is it that offering grace to others isn’t always easy but is important if we want to be the best person that we can be?




6M listened to ‘Amazing Grace’ written by John Newton and ‘Blinded by your Grace’ written by Stormzy.
We thought about the theme of ‘Grace’ in each song and the impact it had on each composer. We talked about what might have inspired each composer to write their song and the reasons why each song is popular today.