15 Nov 2021
Liz Quinn visit
We were very lucky to have Liz Quinn visit our school and share how her faith has taken her to other communities in our world. Liz is from St Peter and St Paul church in Hambledon and is training to be a priest in the Portsmouth Diocese. Liz shared with us how she was learning to be a priest whilst in Ghana. It was very interesting to see how many similarities there was in the church in Ghana, for example the singing and praying. The children also found out that the priest in Ghana helps the locals with building their houses by making bricks with them - just like the wonderful people in our local church St Barnabas help others in the local community. Then Liz explained that the prayers look different in Ghana - there is so much singing and dancing! All the pupils took part in having a try at singing an African prayer and danced along with Liz. It is amazing that having faith brings communities together even when they are from other parts of the world. Thank you so much Liz for sharing your fantastic faith experience with us!