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June 2021

After the very successful toilet twinning fundraising before the pandemic, as part of the children's Global Citizen education, the children's Worship Council has identified an initiative to support one of our school values- 'Charity'. We are hoping to once again help others around the world by raising money for tap twining.  

This initiative is importance as it we would be supporting the installation of clean water into communities which currently do not have easy, safe access. It helps highlight to the children, the issues around use of the world's resources and the impact we can have on sustaining them.

From Monday 14th June till Friday 25th June across the school the children will be discussing concepts and issues of injustice, and disadvantage and exploitation of the natural world.   Across the school we hope to raise enough money to tap twin a tap per year group (it is £60 a tap).  If every child managed to raise £1 then this would be amazing! 


Thank you so much for supporting the tap twinning over the last two weeks.  The children have learnt all about the need for safe water to drink around the world and have enjoyed creating their taps.
The grand total raised was £360, which means we can now help to place 6 taps in areas around the world which do not have safe water to drink.  Thank you so much for your generosity! 

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