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Here at Swanmore CE Primary School we welcome all enquiries from families looking to join our community. We currently have a limited number of places in year groups across the school, so if you have any questions or queries regarding the school admissions process or would like to enquire if there are places available in your chosen year group, please feel free to contact Mrs. Emily Bechelet on 01489 894555. 

We invite families to explore our charming village school, where you can see our learning in action and meet our Headteacher, Mr. John Paterson.

We hold Open Mornings each Autumn for families to come for a tour of our school. Further information can be found here. 

To apply for a Year R, Year 3 or any other In-Year school place please click here. 

To find out if you live in our school catchment area, please click here. Please be aware that even if you don't live within our catchment area, you can still apply for a place at our school.

Year R Admissions

If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, they will be eligible to start school in the school year beginning September 2025. To find out more about the admissions process for Year R applications, please click here

The national notification date for on-time applicants is 16 April 2025, and you will be sent an e-mail confirming the outcome of your application on this date from Hampshire County Council Admissions Team. Proceeding this, you will receive a letter from us to explain what evidence we need in order to formally accept your place with us. 

In-Year Applications

Families who would like to make a school application for their child to start outside the main admissions round or part way through the year, please click here to make an application. Applications for an In Year school place starting in September can also be made using the online system.

Please note that if your child is currently attending an infant school, you are welcome to join us for Year 3 onwards via this application form. Further information about KS2 junior applications can be found here. 

Year Group

If you aren’t sure which year group your child would usually be admitted to, please click here. Please note this may differ if your child was decelerated.

Consultation for Admissions Policy 2026/2027

Governing Boards of Voluntary Aided schools are the admission authority for the school. This information is in accordance with Schools Admission Code 2021, section 1.45 to 1.48.  Admissions authorities must consult on their admissions arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes, which is why our 2026/2027 Admissions Policy is out for consultation. The consultation period will last from Monday 25th November to Monday 6th January 2025.

If you have any comments regarding the 2026/2027 Admissions Policy, as part of the consultation process, please send them to Kirsten Cook via

The 2026/2027 Admissions Policy can be found below, along with our other current admissions policies.